Thursday, December 31, 2009

Special Edition- Fei Zai Show!

Haha to all Fei Zai fans! This is what Fei Zai does from morning to night, night to morning, in fact almost all the time except when he's asleep~!

Episode 2!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 13- Happy New Year!

My owner noticed that i've been feeding my pups less regularly and decided to open the milk powder! The milk bottle and powder are finally of use after 2 weeks!

Let's see whether Puppy 4 enjoys her milk

Puppy 1 is also enjoying the milk... Hey is it really that great? Can i try it too please? Heh!
The next video is quite hilarous! Watch it!

Any countdown parties for dogs? Heh I'm just joking! Enjoy your New Year Countdown, people! May you have a great 2010 ahead!

Day 12- We are cute puppies!

My owner took some real adorable videos of my pups. Check it out!

Next up: Sleepy Xiao Q. She fell asleep while my owner carried her haha!

Lastly- the Tham Jiak Puppy 5~

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Aunty Fi Bed


Monday, December 28, 2009

One Eye Pirate!

One eye opened for puppy 1 and puppy 4! Arent they cute?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Puppy 2- Fei Zai

My owner said she doesnt want to post puppy photos but she couldnt resist taking this video of Puppy 2! Haha.. Check this out

Monday Blues

Aunty FiFi got me a new pet bed from BKK! She will only pass it to my owner on Tuesday. Cant wait to see it! It must be a pretty thing! She must had a tough time bringing that big bulky thingy back. Thankiewww!

The next thing to look forward to (other than my bed) will be the opening of my pups' eyes. Book says 10-12 days after birth. It's the 9th day today. It'll be the 10th tomorrow. It's exciting to see a tiny slit at the inner corner of puppy 1's eye. You could see the tears and his tiny eye ball moving. No photographs for the time being as their eyes are very sensitive to light during this critical stage.

My owner had just borrowed another 3 books from NLB on dog training and puppy care. One of the books actually provided solutions for our "everyday problems"- (e.g. Excessive barking, Territorial marking with pee, chewing of furniture etc). My owner realised that most of the behavioural problems are induced and reinforced by owners themselves. How could you blame us for being "naughty"! It's just not fair! Well, just to share one tip: Pacifying an anxious or nervous dog by shoving treats or hugging them does not calm the dog- in fact, it encourages the dog to continue with its negative behaviour. These gestures will give the wrong signal to the dog that he should continue with his inappropriate behaviour and he would be getting more treats whenever he does so! It is a vicious cycle and will just aggravate if we do not change our habits.

To discontinue negative behaviour, owners should ignore the dog whenever he is at fault. Take for instance, if he bite you accidentally, you should exclaim "OUCH" and ignore him. This is the worst punishment to dogs! Caning him will only make it more aggressive. It is true that dogs should be doted. However, dont pamper us too much or else we may think that we are the alpha of the pack- even to the extent of surpassing human! "Sit", "Stay", "Come" commands are useful as they remind us that we should obey human.

Hopefully the information above is useful. Lalala~ It's the end of a long holiday and my owner has to go back to work tomorrow. I will miss her.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 8- Pretty Me!

Too many puppies photos. It's my turn today!

My owner groomed me today! I'm so pretty now! Fine fine... i know you all still prefer my puppies... there you go...

My owner decided to call Puppy 3 - Xiao Q! HeHe! This is a video of Xiao Q sucking milk from fingers!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Puppy 2 is hitting 400g soon! Progress of Puppy 5 is not to be underestimated too! Just look at the gradient of the graph and you know what i mean.

I only have a photo today as my owner went out today.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 6- Happy Christmas!

Yay! It's Christmas... my owner has more time to accompany me! She was cleaning my ears this afternoon, changing my bed sheet, cleaning my pups poo poo! It's so comfortable to stay in a clean environment. This is a video of me feeding my pups outside the whelping box.

I'm Bigger than Palm Size now!

Sweetie Pie No. 3

Guess which pup is this! (No presents though it's X'mas! =P)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 5- This is no Joke

The 5 of us...

First look at the progress of their weight gain...

Trust me- They dont look like 5 day old pups~ See for yourself:

Huge Tummy Puppy 4 (above)

Huge Tummy Puppy 2

Every puppy has a rounded tummy. I'm such a good mom! Group Shot except for Puppy 1.

Haha enough of tummies. Here's some really cute shots

Puppy 3 and 5 (above)

Puppy 1

Puppy 2

Puppy 3

Puppy 4

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Seasons Greeting

Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la

Photo of the Day - I wanna be a Guitar Hero!

Fav Song: Michael Jackson- Beat it!

They told him don't you ever come around here Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear So beat it, just beat it....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 4- Changing Colours

My puppies are changing colours... Look at their photos:

Their weight :

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 3- Tails Docked!

My puppies went to the vet this morning. I was in my owner's converse bag. Enough room for me to lie. My puppies were placed in a sturdy cardboard box. When i saw my owner lifting the box and bringing my puppies to the door, i panicked... and i followed closely- to the extent of using 2 legs to walk so that i could be nearer to the puppies.

We couldnt hail a cab. As you may be aware, i'm very defensive and protective of my pups. Any strangers would be a threat and danger to me. So, when i stepped out of the house, i met this malay lady whom was carrying some heavy stuff. I thought she meant harm. I barked and guess what she did! She scolded us "CHEE BXX"!!! That's so rude of her but my owner ignored as the priority is to get a cab as it was raining.

Believe it or not, it's easier to hail a cab from the road than at the taxi stand! We stood there for ard 20minutes before we could get a taxi uncle willing to fetch me despite me being placed in the bag. Throughout the journey, my owner patted me alot. She reassured me that the pups are in good hands and are safe.

We reached and once my owner opened the taxi door, i barked non stop! I saw a jack rusell and many others. I felt so intimidated. To appease the other owners, my owner had to grab my mouth and asked me to keep quiet. No choice, i was led to a corner together with my pups. My pups yelped and my natural instincts told me that they need milk. So i climbed into the shoe box. I know that's silly of me. Apparently the shoe box is much smaller and could hardly contain me, but trust me, it's instincts! My owner then requested if she could have a nursing area for me and we were then brought to a cage. The pups cuddled around me as i breast fed them.

We were there for about 1 hour before the vet attended to us. They removed my pups and kept me in the cage. I was hopping mad as I know the pups were defenseless. They need me to protect. I made a lot of whining noise in the cage and my owner spotted me and requested for me to be brought out of the cage while the vet prepares to dock my darlings' tails.

The docking process was definitely a torturing process. I heard my pups whining. I know they are in pain but i couldnt do anything to save them. My owner also wonder if the right choice had been made as it was rather cruel to snip away the tails for "cosmetic" reasons. But then again, we seldom see schnauzer with long tails, do we?

The whining sound from my pups came behind the door. I tried to bang the door with my head and i was so nervous till i'm literally shaking. Yes i mean shaking, not because of the aircon but i was so helpless. I want to save the pups but my capabilities are limited. I kept begging my owner to carry me and to reassure me. I couldnt even settle for just 1 second!

The pups were finally done with the docking. I heaved a sigh of relief. Guess what! I could even jump up a chair that was about knee height! I have never done this stunt before anywhere. It goes to show that dogs unleash their true capabilities at the nick of time!

Now back home, i need to nurse them again. Look at the video of me nursing Puppy 1.

And they nursed non stop... making me tired... and i refused to nurse them in the next video.. haha...

I love my puppies!

Day 2- Our 2nd night

The puppies are gaining significant weight except for Puppy 1. It has only gained 6g from yesterday. His siblings are gaining ard 10+g. In fact, Puppy 4 gained 33g in just one night! OMG! Their constant sucking put some heat n abrasion on my nipples. My owner groomed me a little today. We're going to the vet tomorrow to have a check up and to dock the puppies' tails.

Here's some snapshots of the Puppies! Enjoy!

Puppy 1:

Puppy 2:

Puppy 3:

Puppy 4:

Puppy 5:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 2- Healthy Puppies

My puppies are growing progressively. Who says males are always of a bigger structure!
Let's see their weight change:

Puppy Weight on 19/12 Weight on 20/12 (am)
Puppy 1 (M) 169g 173g
Puppy 2 (M) 228g 236g
Puppy 3 (F) 196g 212g
Puppy 4 (F) 192g 204g
Puppy 5 (M) 171g 178g

As you can see from above, Puppy 2 and 3 are doing the best. I'm rather worried for Puppy 1 and 5. My owner is considering to feed them with additional supplements to catch up with the rest. She needs some form of readings on this before making the right decision.

Me nursing my puppies yest evening:

The next video was taken this morning. I shall get my owner to take a photo of my individual pups in the next post!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 60- Puppies!


I know something's wrong with my tummy since last night. I have been hiding in the box and attempting to tear all the bedsheets there. This is a video of me last night ard 12mn, my owner was still playing Wii Guitar Hero...

I managed to endure till this morning. My owner brought me to pee and shortly after returning home, i dashed into the whelping box. I knew something wasnt right.

Shortly after stage 2, i felt something coming out from my vulva. I could feel my vulva expanding. I screamed in pain. I was at a loss and so i dashed out of the whelping box! My owners were so shocked to see me panicking. I was in a squating position when i delivered my first puppy. My owners feared that i would squashed the puppy and they helped me to a lying position. My owners were all flustered. Sorry, we didnt manage to flim down the birth of the 1st puppy. I have a clip of me cleaning the puppy up and erm, eating the placenta. Word of Advice- Do NOT watch it if you've just eaten. The 1st puppy was a male and arrived at 8.47am. He weighs 169g.

Photo of my first puppy- Male! Can you spot the 2nd puppy ? The 2nd was huge baby! I struggled to squeeze him out! My owner helped me with the process by pulling the puppy out when i contract. The puppy almost couldnt make it in time had my owner not intervened in time! The 2nd puppy was delivered at 10.09 am, measuring 228g! He was tagged white.

The 3rd puppy was a fast one. It followed shortly after the 2nd. It was delivered at 10.27 am. Look at this active puppy. Haha! She's wriggling so actively even before the sac was torn! My owner likes her most. Awww.. isnt she adorable? By the way, she's the first female puppy in the litter, weighing 196g. She was tagged light pink - Pink for Girls!

A snap shot of the three healthy puppies! Can you recognise which is which?

Puppy 4 was a traumatising experience. My owner did not take a good video of it as she was trying her best to save the puppy. The priority is to save the puppy more than anything else! Puppy 4 was big. At the same time, i was drained and tired. My owner had no choice but to start pulling the puppy when the puppy was still 2/3 in the canal. She would usually intervene when the puppy is at least 50-75% out of the canel. Being aware of the consequences of "pulling" the puppy, she crossed her finger as she assisted the delivery.

The survival of the 4th puppy was extremely worrying. The puppy did not move. She also did not respond to any resuscination methods. In short, not breathing properly- She had a lot of amniotic fluid in her lungs, and we could her her "coughing" and "choking". 15 minutes had lapsed and my owner finally got her breathing a little. I did some licking and tossing her around with my tongue to stimuate her to move but she was too weak to crawl back to me. Just as we were busy reviving her, the 5th came...

Puppy 4 is female whereas Puppy 5 is male. Puppy 4 weighs 192g and was tagged Yellow. Puppy 5 weighs 171g and was tagged dark blue.

A happy family...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 59- From Worried to Anxious!

I haven’t give birth, in case you’re following the blog. It’s Day 59 today. Thankfully the puppies are still receiving protection in my womb. My owner worried about premature puppies last week. Now she's anxious to see them. It makes me ponder too. What would the colour of my puppies be?

I had this queasy feeling in my tummy for the last few days, making me lose appetite. I dislike sleeping at the living room. I prefer to sleep in the big box that my owner made for me. It has a dark shelter that allows me to hide. Hehe!

Some stuff here:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 54- Puppies Kicking!

My little one kicking me. Did you spot it?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 52- X RAY Results

See my X Ray! Spot the little ones in my womb!

How many are there? Make a guess? My vet says 6. Owner says 7.

The vet advised that my puppies are going to be delivered in the next 2 days or so. I scared my owner by scratching the floor at 5am this morning. Poor her got frightened and did not sleep well after that. My owner got her auntie to go over and observe her. May all my puppies be delivered safely. AMITOFO!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 50- MiniManiMiniMo : Guess the number of angels in my tummy

The little angels are so hyperactive in my tummy nowadays. They kicked me a lot, making my movement slower and slower.

My owner brought me to the park yesterday. I was very agitated by a new comer dog called “Goldy”. She was super energetic and running all about! I was so worried that she might just hit my stomach. I growled and barked at her as she raced around like a wild horse.

I’ll know how many little angels there are in my tummy tomorrow… Keep all updated again. Temperature this afternoon: 37.8 degrees.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 49

There were so many things happening recently. My owner was busy packing her stuff for the new furniture over the weekends.
She had been quite frustrated finding vets for me.

First and foremost! There are no 24 hour clinics in the West! She sought help from Animal Clinic. Animal Clinic was quite helpful. They referred her to Mount Pleasant.
The receptionist at Mount Pleasant was rude. Mount Pleasant made her day UNpleasant! Gosh! She had decided to bring me to the vet for a general check up first before she decides the next course of action.

I couldn’t control my bladder recently and had to pee in the living room every night. I’m 37.4 degree this morning at 8am.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 44- Big Tummy Me!

My owner will be bringing her friend to visit me during lunch time tomorrow. I better rest early tonight in preparation for the visit. Tata all!

P/s: My owner just took some shots of me! Whee!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 42- Video of my tummy

My huge tummy on Day 42!

Day 43- My Daily Routine

I was rather restless and am walking much slower these few days. I still do enjoy my daily evening walks with my owner and i love to chase after the birds in the park! Hee! I growl whenever the reckless dogs charge towards my tummy. I would paw my owner and beg her to carry me or put me on a table when the other dogs were too rough. Watching them play was also another form of enjoyment. I would only allow Krystal to be on the table with me. She's a fine lady, never too rough at play- at least she could brake in time without hurting my tummy.

I couldnt control my temper nowadays and i bark at the slightest sound, especially when i heard people coming into my house. My owner made a cardboard whelping box for me. She would shove me in every night. I prefer to sleep in there when the weather's bad. Otherwise, i would prefer to sleep on the floor. The space below my owner's bed was quite a safe spot for my puppies. I would occasionally crawl onto her bed and snuggle with her when the air-con is turned on. She would put me into the whelping box whenever she spotted me on the bed. With the never-say-die spirit, i would just climb onto the bed again and again until she gave up and continue with her beauty sleep. Hah!

I could feel my puppies kicking my tummy a little this morning. There was discharge in my vulva for the last few days. My owner read up that it was normal after 1 month of pregnancy.

My Waist Line is 24.5 inches now. Temperature is 37.7 degress today. 3 more weeks to go!